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Royal Pioneer Corps Association Shop

What a great present to give a Pioneer !
The below are just a fraction of what is available, for current prices and stock please email Billy at thepioneerhq@gmail.com
< Blazer Badge
Silk & wire. These are really nice - go on, get your Mrs to sew one onto your blazer, ready for the next reunion and remembrance day parades !
< Blazer Badge
Silk & wire. These are really nice - go on, get your Mrs to sew one onto your blazer, ready for the next reunion and remembrance day parades !
< Blazer Badge
Silk & wire. These are really nice - go on, get your Mrs to sew one onto your blazer, ready for the next reunion and remembrance day parades !
< Book - "A War History of the Royal Pioneer Corps 1939-1945"
by Maj E H Rhodes Wood
This book, long out of print, is now available on CD Rom. It is an excellent rare book that the Association owns
the copyright to and we are selling the electronic version of this book in our online shop. Every page and picture has been professionally scanned
in and checked. I have seen this book fetch prices of over £100!
< Book - "Royal Pioneers 1945-1993"
by Major Bill Elliott
This Post-War History of the Corps was written by Major Bill Elliott, who generously donated his work and rights entirely for the Association's benefit. It was published by Images, Malvern in May 1993 and is on sale in book shops at £24.
< Book - "No Labour, No Battle"
Military Labour during the First World War
by John Starling and Ivor Lee
A new addition to the shop and only just published.
Price includes a £10 donation to the RPC Association. Hardback.
< Buttons
We now have in stock buttons. You now have a choice of the old or the new badge. These are excellent quality buttons for an equally amazing price !
< Cufflinks
New badge.
They go onto the sleeves of your shirts!
< Cufflinks
Bronze. Very nice.
They go onto the sleeves of your shirts!
< Photo CD's
The Association has a large number of old photographs it has taken over the years. They are now available on CDs (each CD contains approx 400 photographs). They are:
Named, partially named vol. 1
Named, partially named vol. 2
Reunion Weekends
WOs & SNCOs Pnr Reunion Club
< Print - Pioneers at Sword Beach, Normandy
Cuneo painted ‘Sword Beach’ which shows the activities of the Pioneers who were among the first British troops to land on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. Sword Beach was the codename of one of the five main landing beaches in Operation Neptune, the initial assault phase of Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Normandy on 6 June 1944.
This gorgeous print will soon be available. The thumbnail on the left does not do it any justice, so click the thumbnail to see a bigger picture of it.
< Statue
These are in bronze and look gorgeous!
Why not order and collect at Reunion weekend to save postage.

< Tie - Old Badge
A new corps tie is now available from the Association. Although keeping the same pattern the new one contains the Corps badge on the blade of the tie. These are very smart looking ties.

< Tie - new badge
A new corps tie is now available from the Association. Although keeping the same pattern the new one contains the Corps badge on the blade of the tie. These are very smart looking ties.
< Tie Pin
Old badge tiepin. These are brand new in.
< Tie Pin
Old badge
< Tie Pin
New badge
< Wall Shield
Hand painted. Very nice quality.
< Wall Shield
1985-1993 badge. Very nice quality.