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2015 - October |


Association members should be finding the latest issue of The Pioneer dropping through their letterboxes... With this Newsletter you will, as usual, receive tickets for the Christmas Draw (unless you have already indicated that you are unable to sell them). It would be appreciated if you would give this your fullest support.
We know that there are many causes requiring your hard earned money (especially in these difficult times!) but our two Draws per year help to keep the Association going. Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this issue !
Pioneer Weekend
Latest News
Past Events
Future Events
Pat Morley demonstates to Dusty
Burns Night Reunion
Sgt Butlers War
Postcard from France
A Conscripts Tale
Digging through the Archives
AGM Minutes
Pioneers on Juno Beach
Press Cuttings from 1946
Letters to the Editor
Blast from the Past
Photo Gallery
Your letters
Book reviews
Last post / Obituaries
Lost Trails
and much more !
Newsletter - October 2015 |
2015 - April |


Association members should be finding the latest issue of The Pioneer dropping through their letterboxes... With this Newsletter you will, as usual, receive tickets for the Christmas Draw (unless you have already indicated that you are unable to sell them). It would be appreciated if you would give this your fullest support. We know that there are many causes requiring your hard earned money (especially in these difficult times!) but our two Draws per year help to keep the Association going. Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this issue !
End of an Era
Latest News
Past Events
Future Events
Disbandment of 187 Tancred Company
Cenotaph Parade 2014
Naming of Cpl Roberts Close
Josh Campbell meets the Queen
News and Military Pensions
Artisan Skills
Honour and Respect at Wootton Bassett
Battlefield Tour of Scotland
From Military to Civilian
World War 2 in Colour
Previous Association Newsletters
Larger than life Pioneer
Association Shop
Prisoners of Memory
Photo Gallery
Digging through the Archives
23 Sikh Pioneers
The loss of 2 Platoons from 175 Company
Your letters
Book reviews
Blast from the Past
Press Cuttings from 1945
Last post / Obituaries
Lost Trails
and much more !
Newsletter - April 2015 |
2014 - End of an Era Edition |


Association members should be finding the latest issue of The Pioneer dropping through their letterboxes... With this Newsletter you will, as usual, receive tickets for the Christmas Draw (unless you have already indicated that you are unable to sell them). It would be appreciated if you would give this your fullest support.
We know that there are many causes requiring your hard earned money (especially in these difficult times!) but our two Draws per year help to keep the Association going. Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this issue !
End of an Era
Latest News
Past Events
Future Events
Bicester Parade
2014 Reunion Weekend
Going Full Circle
Command Dinner Night
The Sale of Graven Hill
The Fighting Pioneer Painting
A Memoir of 44 Company
Back after 74 Years
D-Day Facts and Figures
Memories of National Service
The Strathallan
AGM Minutes
Pioneer Tattoos
Blast from the Past
Press Cuttings from 1944
Photo Gallery
Your letters
Book reviews
RPC Association Shop
Last post / Obituaries
Lost Trails
and much more !
Newsletter - End of an Era |
2014 - April |


Association members should be finding the latest issue of The Pioneer dropping through their letterboxes... With this Newsletter you will, as usual, receive tickets for the Christmas Draw (unless you have already indicated that you are unable to sell them). It would be appreciated if you would give this your fullest support. We know that there are many causes requiring your hard earned money (especially in these difficult times!) but our two Draws per year help to keep the Association going. Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this issue !
Latest News
Past Events
Future Events
23 Pioneer News
Commando Speed March
Details of the 2014 Reunion Weekend
Cenotaph Parade 2013
Regimental Boxing Night
Pioneers reunited at Phoenix House
Mental Health of Veterans
1912 Basuto Company
Pioneers in 51 Commando
Saving Sarah Rigler
Going - Do Not Forget Us Poems by Bernard Fox
The Labour Corps 1917/1918
History of Mauritius Forces
Field of Remembrance 2013
Brigadier HGL Prynne
Blast from the Past
Press Cuttings from 1943
A short story from Sarajevo
Photo Gallery
Your letters
Book reviews
RPC Association Shop
Last post / Obituaries
Lost Trails
and much more !
Newsletter - April 2014 |
2013 - October |


Association members should be finding the latest issue of The Pioneer dropping through their letterboxes... with this Newsletter you will, as usual, receive tickets for the Christmas Draw (unless you have already indicated that you are unable to sell them). It would be appreciated if you would give this your fullest support. Our two Draws per year help to keep the Association going.
Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this issue !
Founders Day 2013
Past Events
Future Events
General News
23 Pioneer News
168 Pioneer News
Pioneer Diaries Part 2
Ernest's vital role on D-Day
Auxililary Military Pioneer Corps
Photo Gallery
Behind the Scarlet Coat
A Christmas Card from 87 (Alien) Company
Working in Civvy Street
A short history of 64 Group Pioneer Corps
Phoenix House
Press Cuttings from 1942
Letters to the Editor
Pioneer Services Section
Book Reviews
Last Post - May they rest in peace
Pioneer Services Section
Lost Trails
Association Shop
The Cuneo Mouse
And Finally...
and much more !
Newsletter - October 2013
2013 - April |


Association members should be finding the latest issue of The Pioneer dropping through their letterboxes... with this Newsletter you will, as usual, receive tickets for the Derby Draw (unless you have already indicated that you are unable to sell them). It would be appreciated if you would give this your fullest support. Our two Draws per year help to keep the Association going.
Also included is the booking form for this years Reunion Weekend.
I look forward to seeing you all there!
Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this issue !
Pioneer Reunion Weekend 2013
Past Events
Future Events
General News
23 Pioneer News
168 Pioneer News
Corps of Drums Reformed
Frank Shepleys War Service
Steve Blenman's African Adventure
Photo Gallery
Kraxel - the full story still classified by MI6 today
Pioneer Diaries Part I
Press Cuttings from 1941
Blast From the Past
RPC Association Shop
Letters to the Editor
Pioneer Services Section
Book Reviews
Last Post - May they rest in peace
Pioneer Services Section
Lost Trails
And Finally...
and much more !
Newsletter - April 2013
2013 - October |


Association members should be finding the latest issue of The Pioneer dropping through their letterboxes... with this Newsletter you will, as usual, receive tickets for the Christmas Draw (unless you have already indicated that you are unable to sell them). It would be appreciated if you would give this your fullest support. Our two Draws per year help to keep the Association going. Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this issue !
Loss of 23 Pioneer Regiment RLC
Past Events
Future Events
General News
23 Pioneer News
New “Pioneer” Centre at Bicester
Disbandment of 8 Regt RLC
Lost in France - Search for missing Pioneers from the BEF 1940
Photo Gallery
Harry's War - Harry Carass's letters home in 1940
Pegasus Pioneers - Pioneers with 1st Airborne Division
Wartime Service - Ray Wilson describes his wartime service
Letter from my Father - William Cartwright describes D-Day Landings
Photos from the Suez Crisis
Press Cuttings from 1940
Blast From the Past
AGM Minutes
History of the RPC Association
Bill Carty recollects his service in RPC
RPC Association Shop
Letters to the Editor
Pioneer Services Section
Book Reviews
Last Post - May they rest in peace
Pioneer Services Section
and much more !
Newsletter - October 2012
2012 - April |


Association members should be finding the latest issue of The Pioneer dropping through their letterboxes... with this Newsletter you will, as usual, receive tickets for the Derby Draw (unless you have already indicated that you are unable to sell them). It would be appreciated if you would give this your fullest support. Our two Draws per year help to keep the Association going.
Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this issue !
Latest News
Past Events
Future Events
23 Pioneer News
168 Pioneer News
Details of the 2012 Reunion Weekend
Pte Stringer opens old peoples home
The National Memorial
New member celebrates his 100th Birthday!
Son in first visit to father's grave
The Suez Crisis 1956
Waynes Keep
Gran Pere Williams Diary - A great story of French Pioneers in WW1
Reminiscences 1955-1959 - John Young remembers his Army Service
Edinburgh Branch RPC Association
Blast from the Past
Your letters
Book reviews
RPC Association Shop
Last post / Obituaries
Pioneer Services Section
Lost Trails
and much more !
Newsletter - April 2012
2011 - October |


Association members should be finding the latest issue of The Pioneer dropping through their letterboxes... With this Newsletter you will, as usual, receive tickets for the Christmas Draw (unless you have already indicated that you are unable to sell them). It would be appreciated if you would give this your fullest support. We know that there are many causes requiring your hard earned money (especially in these difficult times!) but our two Draws per year help to keep the Association going.
Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this issue !
Latest News
Past Events
Future Events
23 Pioneer News
168 Pioneer News
Details of the 2011 Reunion Weekend
Multi-Skilled Pioneers article
Pioneer Trades School
Reminiscing by Terry Martell
The Pioneer magazine, 8 Corps District, 1945
Military Curriculum Vitae
847 Smoke Company
Diary from Pte S Johnson from 1943/1945
AGM Minutes
Coco the Clown article
Diary from Pte S Johnson from 1943/1945
Your letters
Book reviews
RPC Association Shop
Last post / Obituaries
RPC Association shop
Lost Trails
and much more !
Newsletter - October 2011 |
2011 - April |


Association members should of received the latest issue of The Pioneer. With this Newsletter you will, as usual, receive tickets for the Derby Draw (unless you have already indicated that you are unable to sell them). It would be appreciated if you would give this your fullest support. We know that there are many causes requiring your hard earned money (especially in these difficult times!) but our two Draws per year help to keep the Association going.
Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this issue !
News section with details of past and future events
Colonel Donald Dean and his exploits in Madagascar during WW2
The Blitz, including extracts from Unit War Diaries
Unveiling of the Athens Memorial
Wartime Memories from 12 Centre Pioneer Corps
Palastinian POW's, how the Germans reacted to Jewish POW's
Fire Fighting, a report of 206 Coy during the Fireman's strike
Blast from the Past
Photo Gallery
Your letters
Book reviews
RPC Association Shop
Last post / Obituaries / Lost Trails and much more !
Newsletter - April 2011
2010 - October |


Yesterday I finished the distribution of the latest copy of the Association Newsletter, you should receive your copy very soon, unless you have already received it. I hope you all enjoy it.
With this Newsletter you will, as usual, receive tickets for the Christmas Draw (unless you have already indicated that you are unable to sell them). It would be appreciated if you would give this your fullest support. We know that there are many causes requiring your hard earned money (especially in these difficult times!) but our two Draws per year help to keep the Association going. Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this issue !
News section with details of past and future events
Wartime log of prisoner of war Capt AL Hale
The Erinpura-Basotho tragedy - 633 Pioneers lost their lives
The National Arboretum
From Aberdare to Albacete - wartime service in the Pioneer Corps
A Military Gypsy - Memoirs of Lt Col CC Davey
Blast from the Past
Photo Gallery
Your letters
Book reviews
RPC Association Shop
Last post / Obituaries / Lost Trails and much more !
Newsletter - October 2010
2010 - April |


This morning I finished the distribution of the latest copy of the Association Newsletter, you should receive your copy early next week, unless you have already received it. I hope you all enjoy it. With the Newsletter there is a return for the Reunion Weekend - 2nd-4th Jul 2010 at Bicester. If you are attending and early indications show a large number will be attending, please return by 15th June 2010.
As is normal I am enclosing tickets for the Derby Draw please give this your fullest support as the money raised help the Association to carry out its work. Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this issue !
News section with details of past and future events
Final part of George Pringles story (unless he sends in more!)
From Italy to Normandy
Tunnels full of Cheese Sandwiches by Lt Edward Hayball
Norman Carling and the Battle for Caen
Colonel Donald Dean - the VC Hero
Blast from the Past
Photo gallery
Your letters
Book reviews
Last post / Obituaries / Lost Trails and much more !
Newsletter - April 2010
2009 - October |


Hot off the press is our latest newsletter... the printed newsletter should be dropping through your letterboxes anyday now, for which I have enclosed some Christmas Draw tickets - please give the draw your fullest support as this is now the main source of income for the Association. Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this excellent issue !
Also in this Newsletter are details of the 23 Pnr Regt Medal Parade and March through Bicester on 28 November 2009.. all members of the Association have been invited to spectate at these events and I hope to see you there.
News section with details of past and future events
Final part of George Pringles story
Falklands - After the Battle with photos published here for the first time
Lancastria Fatality
Pioneers on D-Day
My service with 120 Company
Life and death of Horsley Hall
Dieppe Memories
Blast from the Past
Massive Photo gallery
Your letters
Book reviews
Last post / Obituaries
Lost trails
and much, much more !
Newsletter - October 2009
2009 - April |


Hot off the press is our latest newsletter, a week or so before it drops through your letterbox ! Please keep your letters coming in and I hope you enjoy reading the many great stories inside this excellent issue !
Massive news section with details of past and future events
George Pringles story Part II
Frank Nichol remembers his time in Munster
Normany to Neumunster - D-Day with 67 Pioneer Company
Final part of life in a wartime smoke company - Smokey Joes
Photo gallery
Your letters
Book reviews
Last post / Obituaries
Lost trails
Pioneer humour
and much, much more !
Newsletter - April 2009
2008 - October |

Hot off the press... online for the first time ever before its through your letterbox !
Latest news with details of past and future events
George Pringles story
My Life 1938-1946
The Fred Hall story
Prisoner of War story
Reunion Weekend photographs
Your letters
Tragedy of the Lancastria story
Smokey Joes story
Book Reviews
Last Post / Obituaries
and much, much more !
Newsletter - October 2008
2008 - May |

Now online! Inside you will find...
Service in West Berlin by Maurice Grange BEM
Where is tomorrow story by Dorothy Spencer
National Service by Bill Goode
Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace
23 Pioneer Medal Parade
They lost their freedom fighting for yours by H P Weiner
and much, much more !
Newsletter - May 2008
2007 - October |

Now online! Inside you will find...
The complete book 'It don't cost you a Penny', published in 1955.
Quick Visit by ex Pte Leonard John Hooper, 190 Coy Pioneer Corps
A 13 Year Old in 1939 by Cpl J Stout.
Diary 1945 by Pte Charles Henry Warner
Introduction to Demob by Peter Bowden
Passout Parade Photos
and much, much more !
Newsletter - October 2007
2007 - April |

Now online! Inside you will find...
Royal Visit to 23 Pioneer Regiment RLC
The Party 1937 by Arthur C Cole
Pioneering A.M.P.C to P.C. by Charles Thursby
A Piper in the Army by Iain Insch
My Army Years by Ex Pte Leonard John Hooper
and much, much more !
Newsletter - April 2007
2006 - October |

Now online! Inside you will find...
Pte J Tancred, 187 Coy PC
Approaching Normandy
Liberty of Bicester Parade
Six Years in the life of a Pioneer by Ex W02 PG Smith
and much, much more !
Newsletter - October 2006
2006 - April |

Now online! Inside you will find...
St Davids Barracks
Pioneering Days at Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps by W G Ford
and much, much more !
Newsletter - April 2006
2005 - October |

Now online! Inside you will find...
Hospitality by Alex Dickson
Reminiscences of a WW2 Pioneer Officer by Captain I W Haxell
Pioneers in the Blitz
and much, much more !
Newsletter - October 2005
2005 - February |

Now online! Inside you will find...
VE Day
The Pioneer Corps during WWII
Salerno by G D Pringle
Acts of Bravery by members of the Pioneer Corps during WWII
and much, much more !
Newsletter - February 2005
2004 - September |

Now online! Inside you will find...
Recollections of Harry Ratner on D-Day by Harry Ratner
Remembering Cassino
and much, much more !
Newsletter - September 2004
2004 - September |

Now online! Inside you will find...
Pioneers on D-Day
Pioneers on Anzio
and much, much more !
Newsletter - February 2004
2001 - September |
Details on ladies dinner night, quiz, book worth reading,
mr ron harrop, minutes of last AGM, history bit and list of
Newsletter - September 2001
2001 - July |
A small newsletter with an obituary
to Ron Harrop.
"To have known him was a privilege to have had him as a friend was an honour".
2001 - Northampton Branch